Enhance Guidance Through Your Clairs – Jon Mundy and Corinne Zupko
In this episode of Sunday with Mundy, Corinne Zupko shares how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through the clair senses (clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairsentience) and how she believes the clairs are the psychic abilities referred to in the Manual for Teachers (ACIM, M-25).
Jon and Corinne discuss the various clairs and you will hear quotes from A Course in Miracles that point to each clair. You will hear Jon’s experiences with the clairs, and we also play a game that Corinne calls, “Name That Clair!”
In this game, we look at snippets from Helen Schucman’s autobiography to see her clairs in action, because when you see the clairs at work in others it can be easier to identify your own.
Corinne Zupko, EdS, is the author of the bestselling and award-winning book, "From Anxiety to Love." She began her work with A Course in Miracles in 1997 after struggling with multiple anxiety disorders and now lives free from debilitating anxiety solely due to the Course. Corinne is an international speaker, professor, counselor, and coach and has recently deepened her relationship with angels and guides after a series of mystical experiences.